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Christadelphian Sneaks Bath Bomb Into Baptismal Bath

Christadelphians were in shock and amazement at the same time last Sunday after a young Christadelphian managed to sneak a bath bomb into the baptismal bath as she was getting baptised.

There were gasps from the audience as she rose from the bath, her formerly white robe now a brilliant pink with bright blue and purple streaks throughout. The dazzling display of colour splashed over a previously white beige gown served as a beautiful metaphor for the heretical injection of life and energy into a religion so dull that its members literally pretend to die in order to join.

As we go to press we are pleased to report that sales of bath bombs have suddenly skyrocketed, and we've just been informed of another baptism next week. We're hoping for some fluorescent green and perhaps some bath bubbles to match...

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