A steward has accidentally dropped his tray while carrying the emblems, causing some of the bread and wine to spill onto the floor of the hall. There were gasps from the first three rows, with some members asking if the steward was ok.
"I felt so embarrassed", the steward told witnesses afterwards, "it was a rookie mistake - my shoelace had come undone and I tripped on it."
Some members filed a formal complaint to the ABs, saying that the commotion had disrupted the general decorum of the meeting, and the resulting giggles from the audience made it difficult to focus on the seriousness of the situation.
One member voiced concern over the fact that the emblems represented Jesus's body and blood, and hoped that Jesus didn't mind his figurative organs ending up all over the wooden floorboards. Those particular pieces of Jesus's figurative body were quickly swept up and thrown in the bin outside.
"I felt so embarrassed", the steward told witnesses afterwards, "it was a rookie mistake - my shoelace had come undone and I tripped on it."
Some members filed a formal complaint to the ABs, saying that the commotion had disrupted the general decorum of the meeting, and the resulting giggles from the audience made it difficult to focus on the seriousness of the situation.
One member voiced concern over the fact that the emblems represented Jesus's body and blood, and hoped that Jesus didn't mind his figurative organs ending up all over the wooden floorboards. Those particular pieces of Jesus's figurative body were quickly swept up and thrown in the bin outside.