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Emergency AB Meeting Held After Sister Uses The C Word

Arranging Brethren have scrambled for an emergency meeting this week after a sister was caught using the C word.

"Seasonal" events had been slowly creeping in to the ecclesia but had so far been unchallenged as long as everyone silently agreed to not to refer to them as "Christmas" events.

There was a seasonal singing evening, a posting box marked "seasonal greetings" for card giving, and even a seasonal party for the children, which was held in January to avoid any obvious connection with "The World's" Christmas festivities.

It was all fine until a sister put up a list on the notice board asking for food contributions for the Christmas party.

The latest update is that a further 3 AB meetings have been scheduled to deal with the issue.

As we go to press, the sisters are organising an additional meeting to discuss the catering requirements for the extra AB meetings.

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